TIC comprises 14 member companies. These companies represent 17 truck brands, 2 engine companies and 2 heavy vehicle major component supplier. The TIC comprises the Chief Executives of member companies.
The expertise and practical experience represented by TIC's membership has seen TIC acquire the reputation within government as being the principle source of technical and regulatory advice relating to powered heavy vehicles. TIC works cooperatively with all levels of government to ensure that the standards and regulations being proposed are technically feasible, are cost effective, productive and provide the world's best safety and environmental outcomes.
This reputation has seen TIC represented on a wide range of committees and working groups, including:
- Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Industry Reference Group
- Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and Arts (DITRDCA) Vehicle Standards Consultative Forum and various other reference groups
- Alternative Fuels for Transport Implementation Advisory Group
- Fuel Standards Consultative Committee
- Australian Standards Review Groups
- NSW Road Freight Advisory Council
- National Transport Commission (NTC) Industry Advisory Group
- National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) advisory committees, to name a few